Monday, February 22, 2016

Puppy Love 2/22/2016

Good Morning,

I can't wait until this pot of Door County Cherry Crème Coffee finishes the brewing process. I would have to say that I am a little impatient today.

Romans 12:15
Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.

Proverbs 27:9   
Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.

I heard from a friend this weekend and he asked me to pray for his teenage daughter. She just turned 14  and it seems that over the summer she developed a crush on a young boy the same age. The crush was mutual and the relationship blossomed into a love relationship. Now you are probably jumping up and down saying "what can to 14 year olds know about love". Let's just wait a minute. I asked why he wanted me to pray for her. Well the relationship was crushed by the young man breaking it off to pursue other options. My friend explained to me that his daughter has been crying on and off for two days now. I asked him how he handled it. I found out that he sat her down and told her that there would be other boys and that soon she would forget this and the world had bigger problems than her "minor league break up".  I agreed that the world had bigger problems than her encounter with real life, but her crisis is the only one she has and to her this is the worst thing that could happen. I told Dad to step up and treat her tenderly, spend more time with her and nurse her through this heart break. Here is what I heard, "Are you kidding"?  I was really not kidding. A man (boy) just broke her heart and this is an opportunity for Dad to shine and treat this problem as number one, because to her it is.

We might have bigger hurts and problems going on, but we should never minimize the hurt that anyone is experiencing. We can show love through even the most minor hurts, which to the hurting one is a monster of a problem right now.

I think we all had some young summer loves and can all recall the "break up". I heard "suck it up boy, find another one." I followed that advice and made some huge mistakes. Let's remember how we hurt and set kids on the right path by showing we actually can remember how it felt and that we care.

Puppy love hurts just as much as a divorce after 15 years to the one who is hurting.

God bless,


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