Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Breaking Records 2/2/2016

Good Morning,

I woke up this morning with a prayer on my lips and a song in my heart. I was listening to "The Old Rugged Cross" last night and woke up with it still in my ears. Pretty nice way to wake up. Now it's time for some Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee and then off to work.

I have always enjoyed playing weird games in my mind like seeing how many pennies I can successfully toss into a cup from 5 feet away. Why I would do something like that? I have no idea. I recently was working on breaking my own personal record of wiggling out of my right sock, yet leaving enough of it on my foot so that when I kicked up my sock would fly into the air right into my hand. My best was 141 times straight that I pulled this minor stunt off successfully. I just tied my record last week and did not complete 142! I choked under pressure.

Now if a guy can do something like that for 141 days straight for no good reason at all, just think what a difference it would make if that same guy prayed and read his Bible diligently and never missed a day. Now I read my Bible daily and a few months ago I missed a day. I noticed that there was something missing in my day. I knew what it was. I was surprised that I was not upset that I missed my daily reading time. That's when I had to get serious. Was I reading my Bible because it became a silly habit like my sock toss? I went to prayer and asked for forgiveness for not putting God's word ahead of everything else and also asked for that fire to burn within that would cause me to want to hear from God through His Word. I had become complacent.

I then felt terrible as I should have, and renewed my heart through the cleansing of my mind. Some things had to go because they were distracting me from that special time. Once I did that, the Word of God was exciting again and I looked forward to it as much as I look forward to each breath.

Romans 12:1-2 New International Version (NIV)
12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
It's good to make reading your Bible a habit as long as it is more to you than a habit.
God bless,

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