Friday, January 18, 2019

Your Plans Or God's Plans? 1/18/2019

Good Morning,

This day began a few hours ago for me and it was greeted with prayer and a cup of Door County Cherry Crème Coffee. I needed more time to pray today before writing. Now it's time to write.

Proverbs 19:21 New King James Version (NKJV)

Nevertheless the Lord’s counsel—that will stand.

21 There are many plans in a man’s heart,

Proverbs 28:26 English Standard Version (ESV)

    but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.

26 Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool,

According to scientists there are four personality/style  types. Aggressive/Drivers, Passive/Just go with it, Data/ I need proof, and Expressive, Lets Talk it through. These four have been renamed in many booklets and most people in management know where they sit on the chart and they then learn how to work with the other style types.

 I want to talk today about God, church and leadership. The first style Aggressive Drivers are needed in many instances to get things done. But very often they will arrive at a decision without all the facts and most importantly without God's plan that has been prayed out and needs to be followed. If the plan fails the driver, is then sent into reactionary mode and will often again make a decision without prayer. They often will pair themselves with another reactionary to balance out their decision with numbers agreeing, but still  in lack of prayer and direction.

Passive church members are always needed and they go with the flow and allow others to direct them. In many instances though they become people followers instead of God followers. When things just aren't right, they will leave a church without asking God if they should leave, nor do they want to fix a problem. They leave, "not wanting to make waves or speak up".

Data driven people are a good check and balance group. They will look at facts before committing dollars to a project, check Scripture for accuracy, yet they are hard to lead into a decision that counts entirely on faith.

Expressive people love to involve everyone and this is a great trait. But they also like to talk, and then talk some more which often holds up progress or decisions with a time frame.

A church is made up of many members and all the members provide a talent or function. Each one is important. Yet God does not always disclose His plan for individuals to the whole church, until it is needed.

The church though must be reminded that there is One Head and that is Jesus Christ. Any plans prayed about and agreed upon, which are Scriptural and providing good fruit should be the course to follow. God lays out the plan but not always does He reveal the next steps until we are faithful in our ability to follow what He last instructed. Next steps should be prayed about and not rushed into as a reaction to a perceived need. When we go outside of God's plans without prayer, data, and agreement we become our own little idols. Little idols like to take charge and alter a course even when the course has been successful. They lack data, and knowledge from heaven. They react without inviting prayer into the camp and clear direction.

Friends, God is very clear on making plans without Him and seeking Him in prayer.

Be careful the steps you take could be the wrong ones. Like antique dishes, a broken plan can't always be fixed when it breaks.


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