Thursday, January 3, 2019

Up Early For Breakfast With The Wife 1/3/2019

Good Morning,

The kitchen smells good and part of the aroma therapy for me today is a cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee.

May the Lord reward you for your kindness. Ruth 1:8

Being laid up with my knee replacements has my sleep very fragmented which will explain this blog today.  During all of this my wife Rene has not only kept up on my every need, the needs of the house, but she hasn't missed a day of work at the hospital. As I become a little better each day I have started to putter in the kitchen. My goal this week was to be up with her in the morning and send her off with an easy breakfast that did not include cold cereal. By the time the morning meal is prepared and eaten I am ready for some ice packs and stretching.
It has been easy to wake up and start the process, because 3:AM seems to be the time my pain flares up a little. Each day I get a little better and stronger. Rene enjoys the company before she goes to work and I enjoy seeing her munch on French Toast and strawberries. ( Today's Menu). Being with her during this time adds some sunshine to my long day of therapy, ice packs and pain.

Most of all, this is my small way of contributing to the team. This is a lot for her to handle. I can shower now from a chair, but I tend to leave a drippy mess on the floor. Before I can dry off Rene has it all wiped up. This morning, she thanked me for breakfast and went about readying for work. I replied, "it's the least I can do for you right now and my way of thanking my partner". She smiled and teared up a little saying "I know, I love every minute, the good and the bad, just keep getting better".

It is important that we remember to say thank you to people we might tend to take for granted. Thank you and a small gesture like some French Toast goes a long way in reminding them of the love and respect you have for them. I have so many to thank, for meals brought to us, rides to the doctor, shower installations and visits. One dear friend took me for a ride just so we could talk man to man.
( I did a little whining). Never take for granted friends and family. They are a gift from God. Some of my favorite meals were delivered to us. This made life a lot easier. How can you not be thankful?

So as you go through life today, be grateful for those around you, and don't be shy when it comes to being verbal about it.

Love to all,


PS: Rene will come home to a pot of chili in the slow cooker tonight. It has taken me two days to assemble this one.

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