Saturday, January 19, 2019

Sitting Here Resting My Bones 1/19/2019

Good Morning,
My view from the window shows me a winter scene that came in fast last night and now looks like it is going to stay for awhile. I poured myself a hot cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee and I will let these bones rest a little longer.

Philippians 4:6-7 New King James Version (NKJV)
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

In my therapy for knee replacements I have progressed to more of an aggressive plan now. Yesterday was the first time I was allowed to get on to a stationary bicycle. I gave that bike a long look before I ventured on to the seat. I have been on many stationary bikes in my day, but with these two surgeries, the one I was facing yesterday was a bit intimidating.

My wonderful wife Rene was there, my physical therapist and her intern were there also. All three were like Mom's cheering me on like I was the last batter who could win the Little League Baseball World Series. "You've got this, you can do it" is all I heard.

Once on the bike, the goal was to not make full revolutions, just half trips. Forward and backwards, nice and easy were the instructions. Each time as I warmed up I was to see if I could take the "semi revolution" just a little further. Then it happened. As I pushed myself further along, the travel measurement was almost a full turn around. My next spin took me to the edge of no return. I couldn't stop the bike from following through and we made a full revolution all the way around. There was silence in the room. My knees were singing the Hallelujah Chorus, but it was definitely off key, because they were barking from pain. The knees went all the way. I continued slowly then, making several full cycles on the bike that goes nowhere. It didn't take too long to wear me out and it was very soon after I was off of the bike they packed my legs in ice to control the pain and swelling.

It was a long day and the pain lasted well into last night. Friends I am not complaining. I knew this would be a long haul before we began. I have been praying through this ordeal, including therapy trips. Things are looking good. Without some pain there will be no gain. Today we will do a couple flights of stairs. Tomorrow I will be back on a bike.

God has carried me this far and I am counting on Him to continue. He has given me the strength to go when I did not want to. He has delivered excellent caregivers to me and has given Rene an extra dose of patience to be able to meet my needs. We go through things together.

I pray before every therapy session. Skilled hands guide the steps. But it is God who oversees all healing.  Friends this may sound trivial, but pray about everything that you have to encounter. Let God be the guide to buying a new refrigerator. Which person should you date. Ask Him for protection while driving. I will swear to it until I die. I believe an angel gave that bike pedal a little push yesterday just to help me go further than we all thought I could.

Friends, pray, pray and pray again. This fear conquered. I just might try ice fishing next year.


1 comment:

  1. It is not easy to take on something that us going to involve significant pain, it is only by God's grace that we can do these things as he gives us the strength and perserverence. Keep up the good work Marty, you are making tremendous strides of progress.
