Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Take Care Of One Another 1/30/2019

Good Morning,

I just sat down to write after being up and moving for an hour. I have embraced a cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee as my life jacket this morning.

I am still unable to go to work after having knee replacements and my usefulness around the house is also limited. A doctors appointment today might just turn out good enough to lift a few restrictions. We who live in the Midwest are in the grip of a cold front. the likes of which have not been seen in many, many years. -18 degrees without the wind chill is tough on the body, the home  animals and the vehicles.

Proverbs 27:23 English Standard Version (ESV)
    and give attention to your herds,

23 Know well the condition of your flocks,

Rene and I did everything we could to prepare for the cold, including prayer. Of course hospitals never close and when the phone rang at 3:30 AM in this morning I knew it would be the hospital looking for Rene to come in earlier. It seems as if a co-worker of hers had one of the many vehicles that might fail in the next few days. Rene was out of bed quickly and I was getting bundled up when she asked me what I was doing. My reply was that we have three vehicles and one has to start to get you to work. My intent and hopes would be that all three would start and praise God they did. The Jeep seemed to be the most logical one to travel in. I threw in some disposable hand warmers and a blanket just in case of an emergency as well as a better flashlight.

I can't do much, just yet but I can start a car, warm it up and hand it off to the caregiver needed at the hospital. As I write, I am waiting for that call from Rene telling me she made it to the hospital safely.

Two of our vehicles stay in our garage and our big truck stays outside.I was scraping the windows of the Old Ford, and I looked and saw that our trusty dog was standing next to me. Gibbs had followed me outside.  He was looking pretty cold. He is like a ninja and follows me wherever I go. I opened the truck door and put him inside. It took a good ten minutes for the truck to start spewing out some heat. The back seat of our truck is lined with a nice wool blanket and Gibbs was making the best of the blanket. I joined him in the truck to get out of the cold. I gave him a sip of hot coffee from my insulated mug and all was well. We sent Rene off in a Jeep that was toasty warm and both of us came in after the truck was nice and warm also. Gibbs is already sleeping.

There isn't a whole lot that I can do except very simple things right now. But getting up with my wife ans ensuring a warm ride to work is the least I can do. Making sure our dog is cared for it the least I can do. So my advice for the day is this. If you can, and this cold weather has you in it's strangle hold, make sure to help others when you can. Dress in layers and always take extra with you. You don't know who you will meet on the road in distress. Don't count yourself out as not being able to help. If someone in the house has to go out, pack them a Thermos Bottle of hot cider or hot chocolate. Everyone can care in some way or another.

God bless.
