Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Gentleness. 4/29/2015

Good Morning,

Here comes another day. I wonder what challenges this day holds? My mug is filled with Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee. My mind is filled with many thoughts today.

Galatians 5:23              
Gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

One thing a bird hunter does not want is a dog with a hard mouth. No one wants to eat a bird that has been all chewed up by their dog. What the hunter desires is a dog with a soft mouth. A dog that retrieves the bird in his mouth without biting it. The dog has control of the bird but doesn't harm the meat. They are firm with the bird but yet with a gentle mouth.

I see all too often while out and about, many parents who want their children to behave yet they cannot seem to fathom gentleness. Now I believe that the bottom of a backside can sustain a spanking from time to time, yet one has to show self control and not turn a spanking into a beating. The same with the mouth. A child needs to be corrected sternly from time to time but without permanent emotional injury that can come from the hard mouth of a parent that is out of control. Some words are worse than a beating. This is the same for spouses and friends.

"Hearts are flowers, they remain open to the soft falling dew, but shut up in the violent downpour of rain". Jean Paul Richter 

If you want to gain and keep the heart of a child, spouse or friend, treat their hearts with gentleness. Hearts break and are hard to repair.

Have a great day.


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