Wednesday, February 19, 2025

You Just Never Know Who, When, And Where 2/19/2025

 Good Morning,

I just sat down at my desk with a hot cup of Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee and it is time to write. 

Proverbs 22:1 A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold. 

Yesterday I was working at the election polls in my town for a primary election. I was not working in my usual spot within the city. I agreed to be flexible when hired and there was a need to fill some absences in another district. So I volunteered to slide on down the road to that particular district. My wife joked about it the night before and challenged me with. "Now enjoy yourself and make new friends". I replied with "Yes mother. I will play nice and maybe even be approachable." I have been told for a long time that I am not approachable. And to be hones, it is probably true. 

So off I went with my little lunch box and met my coworkers for the day. They were a very nice group and made the new kid at school feel welcome. During the day my leader and I exchanged pleasantries . During our exchange she mentioned working in a camp as a volunteer. It sounded familiar to me and I said that I believe that some people from our church are connected with the camp. She asked me the name of our church and I told her. I did not expect the look on her face that I received. She asked me if I knew a particular lady from our church. This particular lady can't be mentioned in the same breath without mentioning her husband. They are a duo and when you think about them you always refer to both of them. I said I knew them both and that they are near and dear to me. They are a little bit older than my wife and I and my new leader just gushed with kind things to say about them. I added to the conversation to say that I admired their tenacity for loving God and taking care of others. 

My point for the day is this. You just never know who you will meet in any given day. You don't know how much you might impress others with your kindness and devotion, or not.  I would not have expected any less praise for my two friends than what I heard. Their reputation was and is impeccable and will be long talked about once they leave this world. I am proud to call them "My family from church."

What do people say about us when we aren't there?

Have a great day. 


1 comment:

  1. Most important: What does GOD say about us?
