Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Verse Of The Day 2/4/2025

 Good Morning,

I am awake, but barely this fine day. I have a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee next to me and it is time to write. 

I find that I do my best studying of the word of God in the evening. I am also partial to reading a verse a day in the morning. I will sometimes use that verse in this blog, but not too often. 

Today I read,

Jeremiah 31:3 The Lord appeared to us in the past saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."

As I was reading and praying, this passage assured me that as God has spoken in the past and even in the darkest of times, He has loved me despite my own self pity, anger and stubbornness. He has never left my side and when this spirit is worn down.He immediately starts the rebuilding process.   

Therefore I advise starting each day with a verse or passage. Pray before you read and absorb what God has to say. If a doctor prescribes a medication that you need to take every morning for your well being, you will usually take the medication on time very day. Whey not start every day with God and His word?

Food for thought!


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