Thursday, February 13, 2025

Digging Out From The Storm 2/13/2025

 Good Morning,

I have a very hot cup of Door County Hazel Nut Crème Coffee in front of me and it is calling my name. 

Last night we decided to dig out from the snow storm to cut the work in half for this morning. It was a wise decision. What's nice about living where we do is that a snowy mess, becomes a "see the neighbors pitch in and help each other event ". It seems as if snow becomes a glue of friendship and neighborly behavior. That was the case last night. Many hands make for short work. 

When we awaken each day, God is already at work, and as I said last week He does not need us to help. He chooses to let us help. I suggest a simple prayer would be this. "Hey Lord, if you need me today, I am available." The combinations of what He can do with a willing heart is endless. Do you wake up and see a pile of snow or an opportunity to bless a neighbor? 

The message for today is simple. Galatians 5:14 For the whole law is fulfilled in one word. "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." 

Food for thought. 


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