Sunday, February 9, 2025

He Tends The Flock 2/9/2025

 Good Morning,

I seem to need a hot cup of Door County Hazelnut Crème Coffee this morning. And so, shall it be. 

Isaiah 40:11 He tends his flock like a shepherd. He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart. He gently leads them.

I have one last day on my extended visit with our daughter. It has been a good visit and a much needed one. While here I was able to meet her neighbors and friends, and I have to say they are a very nice bunch of people. Although away from my wife, dogs, home, and my flock at church I kept busy and was able to keep some of my routine. 

One thing I noticed is that my prayer list expanded as I started to include Kristy's friends, coworkers, and neighbors. As I became aware of prayer needs I would add them to my prayer list.  Most of them if not all of them will never know they were prayed for. Because, it is not me who should get the glory at all. It is God the father who allowed me to meet new people and while away from home I could minister to them with our daughter. The outcomes of the prayers are all up to Him. 

My point for the day is this. Minister where you are and know that God can expand your horizons. Our prayers don't need a zip code. God will accept them and never will we receive a "Return To Sender Notice."  Secondly, God is at work 24 hours a day, all over the world. He really doesn't need us, but allows us to to join Him in his work. So again I say, minister where you are. 

In that, I also was ministered to. God showed me that He was with Kristy and me during our time of healing and sorrow. He knows me so well and knows that my heart beats best when it beats for others. 

We serve an awesome God. 


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