Saturday, February 22, 2025

Family Reunions 2/22/2025

 Good Morning,

I just sat down at my desk with a hot cup of Door County Hazelnut Crème Coffee. I believe I will enjoy two cups. 

People plan family reunions all the time. There are also class reunions, or military reunions. This coming summer a small family reunion on my Dad's side of the family is in the works.  It never was a big family to begin with and it seems to be getting smaller all the time. I am looking forward to it and I hope we can all bond together. There is only one thing that is wrong with family reunions. Many of the folks that would enjoy the reunion have already left this world. It will be real easy for me and others to have a good time, yet we will miss the ones who founded the family. I am not sure if some old family photo albums will make the trip or not. But my heart will be filled with memories of times long ago. 

Proverbs 6:20 My son keep your father's commandment. and forsake not your mother's teaching. 

It will be important for this group to remember the past but also to make new memories. Living in the past is good for a moment or two but at reunions it is a good idea to live in the present. Celebrate the past, but live for the now!

Just a thought that we can use all year long. 

Have a great day!



  1. Good morning Marty. I love this, thanks for sharing. Have a great day.

  2. Oh, take the photo albums! Someone will know who the mystery person is in some of the photos. And they’ll be the start of the “remember when…” story.
