Monday, November 20, 2023

Even The Dog Was Smiling 11/20/23

 Good Morning,

After being away for a few days, it is good to be back home today at my familiar desk drinking a cup of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee. It is time to write. 

My nephew and I arrived back to our house yesterday afternoon after a few days of duck hunting in Iowa. His dog and my dog were pretty tired from a a few days with very early starts and a long time between meals and rest. 

Proverbs 16:9 The heart of a man plans his way. But the Lord establishes his steps. 

Of course there was the unpacking to do and putting things away in their proper place that needed to be done. On this trip there weren't a lot of ducks at the end of each day. But guns were fired and the dogs retrieved a few mallards. Stories were told in the duck blind, the food was good and the accommodations were 5 star. Just the being there with four guys with a demeanor of team work and support was all a guy could ask for. The laughs were a bonus. 

Now if dogs could talk I sure would like to hear their thoughts. Each day, all those dogs wanted was a little action, and time to be spent with their "dads". A little beef jerky was shared with our furry family members and they were content. 

If dogs are an indicator of love for you, think about the rest of your family and friends. They too want to spend time with you. If at all possible don't turn down invitations for a visit or making it to a Thanksgiving dinner. No one really invites anyone to dinner if they don't desire for them to be there. 

Last night, after all had calmed down our daughter called and we started making plans for Christmas and being together. It warmed my heart to think about it and I prayed that nothing would stop us from gathering with her in December. 

I attached a photo from the duck blind and to me it seems as if my dog was smiling. He knows the value of time spent together. Make plans to share your time and the time of others together. After all the gift of time, family. friends and dogs are given to us by God. Use it to the fullest. 

God bless,


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