Good Morning,
I am sitting content with a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and it is time to write.
Isaiah 48:18 Remember not the former things nor consider the things of old.
A couple days ago I posted the same photo as I have posted today. That picture was taken on a cold December day on the last weekend of duck season. Everything was quiet and serene that day. What you can't really see from the photo tells a different story. That is me, out of the boat setting a line of duck decoys. The water looks like glass and it really was. I was wading in a lake that had frozen over and I was working in a spot with a thin coating of ice. I had to break the ice as I set the decoys. I recall that my nephew and I did fairly well that day and took home a few ducks.
My point for the day is this. We can all get so content with our situations that we miss out on changes that could improve our life or the life of others. I had to break the picture perfect ice to improve our hunting. Without water to land in the ducks would not be coming our way. The effort we were making was null and void unless we made some changes.
We often freeze our emotions and actions and just keep going with the same useless efforts in life. In order to direct a change and break the ice of contentment laden with mediocracy and failures, we must make changes. In order to quit drinking and being drunk, you have to stay away from alcohol. Why go to a bar for a burger when there are other places that just serve food? You must break the chains of doing the same thing over and over again hoping for different results. And sometimes the thing that needs to be broken is your own will.
Food for thought.
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