Saturday, January 18, 2025

Bread And Soup Night 1/18/2025

 Good Morning,

I am up early and I just poured myself a large cup of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee and it is time to write. 

Acts 2:42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. 

Tonight after our Saturday evening church service the flock will gather to dine together and fellowship. I always look forward to these events. I believe that some of the best food I have ever eaten is at the church pot luck dinners. Tonight the food is designed to be a cold weather beater People sign up and some are bringing the soup and some are bringing the bread. We will have a great variety of each as well as some desserts. It's nothing fancy, just a simple meal of different soups, breads and sweets. 

I was gifted some ground bison, and my bison will be made into chili. My point is this. It is important to attend church, worship together, serve in the church with your talents, read your Bible and also take part in the fellowship. This fellowship is an easy one to do and serves two purposes. It's nice to invite folks to church and then have a time afterwards to  get to know people better or renew friendships. We will all leave with a full belly and a happy heart. 

Think about it. Soup and bread. How easy is that to do, at church or your own home? You are as lonely as you choose to be. 



  1. Good morning Mr. Schutte,
    We have enjoyed a number of the so called "potluck" different fellowships and I remember one pastor renaming the pot providence.
    God bless and enjoy

  2. Bison chili sounds amazing with fellowship of saints. We cannot forsake the gathering of the saints.

    God Bless!
