Good Morning,
The coffee today that just filled my cup is Door County Country Morning Blend and it is time to write.
We were asked by my friend and neighbor to hold a Bible study at the assisted living home where he lives. We started doing this about three or four months ago. It is a very small group. They all assemble at the dining room table. We pray and then we have a very short Bible study. It is easy for me to do, because I have a library full of short messages and Bible studies. Our new friends have never heard any of them, so it is easy to pick one, print it out and go!
On Monday we were scheduled to hold the study. Monday morning I prayed about it and went into my files which are filed alphabetically and one of the first ones I saw was a simple one on anger management. I thought to myself. "Who doesn't need to take a look at some anger management Biblically now and then.?"
I handed out the study sheets and the lady next to me was looking kind of down. She told me that she had just gotten angry with one of the staff members and she said things to the staff member in a way that was not nice or appropriate. I knew right then and there that God had chosen the subject for the evening.
This small group went away with two lessons that night.
Psalm 37:8 Cease from anger and forsake wrath, it only causes harm. was the first lesson.
The second lesson was to memorize a Bible verse that would help when you feel you are at your anger tipping point. Calling on the power in the word of God to overcome the temptation to blow up.
Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You. The study had several verses for her to choose from.
I believe we can all learn from this short but powerful lesson. Let's all lean on the Word to help us control our anger.
Marty, we continue in prayer fór you and your family, God bless all of you
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