Friday, January 31, 2025

Sometimes Things Need To Break 1/31/2025

 Good Morning,

I am sitting content with a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and it is time to write. 

Isaiah 48:18 Remember not the former things nor consider the things of old. 

A couple days ago I posted the same photo as I have posted today. That picture was taken on a cold December day on the last weekend of duck season. Everything was quiet and serene that day. What you can't really see from the photo tells a different story. That is me, out of the boat setting a line of duck decoys. The water looks like glass and it really was. I was wading in a lake that had frozen over and I was working in a spot with a thin coating of ice. I had to break the ice as I set the decoys. I recall that my nephew and I did fairly well that day and took home a few ducks. 

My point for the day is this. We can all get so content with our situations that we miss out on changes that could improve our life or the life of others. I had to break the picture perfect ice to improve our hunting. Without water to land in the ducks would not be coming our way. The effort we were making was null and void unless we made some changes. 

We often freeze our emotions and actions and just keep going with the same useless efforts in life. In order to direct a change and break the ice of contentment laden with mediocracy and failures, we must make changes. In order to quit drinking  and being drunk, you have to stay away from alcohol. Why go to a bar for a burger when there are other places that just serve food? You must break the chains of doing the same thing over and over again hoping for different results. And sometimes the thing that needs to be broken is your own will.

Food for thought. 


Thursday, January 30, 2025

Such Friendly People I've Met! 1/30/2025

 Good Morning,

I set the coffee pot to brew an hour before I woke up this morning. It worked perfectly and I did not have to wait for my cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee. So far my plan for the day is at100% on target.

Proverbs 18:24 A man who has friends must himself be friendly.

I have been in Georgia for a week now on an extended visit with our daughter. During my stay here I have been out and about in her neighborhood walking her dog Sadie. Everyone in the neighborhood knows Sadie and Kristy. Little kids run out to pet Sadie and neighbors are always chatting with Kristy. 

As I walk with Sadie I always get addressed with a good morning or good afternoon. It is common for folks to say "Have  a nice day. Say Hi to Kristy." 

It says a lot about the make up of the neighborhood and just how friendly people can be if they try. 

I am doing my best not to be my usual unapproachable guy. I will say this, the friendliness is contagious.

Food for thought. If you are going to catch something why not catch a case of the friendlies. 


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Take Time To Make Your Mark 1/29/2025

 Good Morning,

I just poured a hot cup of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee and I am sure I will have another one when the first is finished. 

Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another, in all wisdom, sing psalms and hymns with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

We very often work at a job and when we retire we hope to be remembered as a good friend, hard worker, and loyal. It's the same with church membership, clubs we join, neighborhoods, and families. I see some of the kids Rene and I worked  with as youth leaders in our church and now and then we still see them quoting us or doing what we taught them to do. It is a nice feeling. 

My point of the day is this. It's good to make your mark on life. But for today think about this. What kind of mark will you make on one day, that day being today? Did you wake up with a mouth full of quick sarcastic statements, or a mouth full of supportive and loving words meant to help others. Did you wake up with a bag full of selfishness on your shoulders, or a bag ready to help or build others up? 

Each day has 24 hours in it. You build your lifetime legacy one day at a time. don't skip the legacy building bricks for one day. Make a positive mark on today for others and yourself. 

God bless,


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Watching The Weather Back At Home. Why? 1/28/2025

 Good Morning. 

I just poured myself a large and very hot cup of Door County Hazelnut Crème Coffee and it is time to write. 

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.

1Peter 5:7 Casting all your cares on Him, for He cares for you. 

As I sit in our daughter's kitchen with my coffee on my left side and my telephone on my write side, I am pondering some of my habits. When my alarm sounded off to make me start another day, the first thing I did was to check and see if I had any messages that needed attention. There was one and it was a prayer request from our church asking for prayer for a friend of ours. That request was made complete right away. 

The second thing I looked at was the temperature and weather forecast for the day back at home. I am on an extended visit in Georgia with our daughter. Now as I think about that, the weather will be the weather here and at home. Now knowing the weather in Georgia, might help me pick my attire for the day and that would impact my comfort. I could brace for severe storms if needed. Back in Wisconsin my knowledge of the weather forecast does no one any good what so ever. Even if the forecast back at home called for a foot of snow, there is not one thing I can do about it. My wife Rene doesn't have any need to go out in a storm. The house has plenty of food in it and with the help of some neighbors she will be plowed out and all would be well. It would be a foolish attempt to call her and ask if she is going anywhere. She has driven in snow before and as I said before she has a brain full of common sense so she probably wouldn't venture out anyway.

My point for the day is this. We often actually look for stress and we pile it on out of habit. I graded myself this morning on how many dumb habits I have that can add to the stress of the day. I gave myself the grade of "Some kind of special stupid." 

I have become my mother who used to call me to tell me that it was cold where we lived and it might snow. We add too much stress in small doses to an already cluttered day. 

Control what you can control. Accept what you can't control. Change things only if they need changing and it is within your control span. Pray in all things and let God run the show. It is awful tiring when we try to control the world. That's His job.

Food for thought.


Monday, January 27, 2025

Flowers In The Kitchen 1/27/2025

 Good Morning,

A large pot of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee just finished brewing. I poured myself a cup and now it is time to write. 

I am writing from our daughter's home for awhile as I embark on an extended visit. I am sitting in her kitchen and adopted and island type work surface as my desk to write in the mornings. As I sit here writing and I look across to a counter top I see the remnants of flowers sent to her home in sympathy and support on the loss of her son. 

I have posted a a photo of some of the plants and flowers. What you don't see are the faces of those who entered her home last Saturday to shower her with love and support. You don't see those who walked, drove, or arrived in a plane to be be kind. 

Romans 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. 

Although very beautiful all on their own, the flowers and plants for me, represent all those who are praying for her, calling her and visiting. 

My point of the day is this. Life can dump a load of hurt on folks. If you have the opportunity to extend yourself to someone and make a difference, be the flower in their day. That kindness has a way of turning around and coming back to you. 

Food for thought!


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Approachable And Loving 1/26/2025

 Good Morning, 

I just poured a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and it is time to write. 

Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

For the last few days I have been staying in our daughters home and I have watched her one year old puppy navigate the loss of her buddy (our grandson) which included a lot of people visiting in her home. I am not sure who benefited the most from the extra people who scratched her ears, petted her, or walked her around the neighborhood. I am sure Sadie the bull dog loved the attention, but I think a lot of people just needed a dog to sit next to and absorb the emotions they were going through. In all of this Sadie remained approachable, loving and kind. 

My point for the day is this. We can learn from this furry lady. Despite our having a bad day, we should strive to remain approachable and loving. And if in doing so, we just might lesson the load of frustration, pain and hurt for someone else. 

God bless, 



Friday, January 24, 2025

Until We Meet Again 1/25/2024

 Good Morning,

I am waiting for a pot of Door County Hazelnut Cream Coffee to finish brewing. It is time to write.

For the last couple of weeks I have been mourning the loss of our grandson. I am fully aware of his faith in Jesus Christ and I know that he resides in heaven. Some day we will meet again up yonder and I look forward to that day. Our daughter is grieving and it is hard to watch her suffer. Dad just can't fix the situation this time. 

1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him."

I can say this. Laying him to rest is one of the hardest things I will ever have to do. Yet if I could, I would not trade places with him. I would be be guilty of robbing our grandson of his time in heaven and it would be a heavenly crime to do so. He is with God now and there isn't any pain, sorrow, sickness or worries there. So I have to remove my selfish thoughts and heal, knowing that he will be missed so badly, yet he is where I will see him again and never miss a day for eternity.

Food for thought.



Wake Up Sadie Time To Wrestle1-24-2025

 Good Morning,

I just started to brew a pot of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee and it is time to write.

Yesterday we my wife and I arrived in Georgia to be with our daughter for a few days. She has a one year old English bull dog named Sadie. This ball of energy wanted to play all day and play we did, right up until 10pm. 

I am actually a little sore this morning from the wrestling we did. The black 60 pound bowling ball was able to wear me out. But notice this. I am awake and guess who is still asleep? She will be up from her slumber soon.

I am taking this quiet time to pray and think. 

Psalm 143:8 "Let me hear if your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you."

It is peaceful now and I will take full advantage of the peace and enjoy this time with God. Then it is time for some chores to be done and then some freestyle wrestling with my furry friend.

My point is this. Wake up early and let God start your day! Set your sight on above.

Food for thought! 


Thursday, January 23, 2025

When The Spouse Tells You To Let Her Drive 1/23/2025

 Good Morning,

A hot cup of Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee is next to me and it is time to write. 

Genesis 2:24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. 

Yesterday my wife Rene and I started on a long journey to be with our daughter for a few days. We are blessed to have family house sitting and taking care of our two dogs. 

I haven't been sleeping well lately at all. There are a lot of things on my mind. 

A few hours into our drive my eyes were becoming heavy and I was struggling to stay awake. Before I could say anything, Rene asked if we could stop for a few minutes and stretch our legs. I agreed with her idea. When I came out of a convenience store I found her in the drivers seat of the truck. "I am going to drive for a little bit" was her welcome  statement to her common sense decision. My pride did not get in the way and I was able to get about a 1.5 hour nap. 

There wasn't a fuss at all. My wife took over the situation when I wasn't thinking clearly. Her decision was made for our betterment and I will give always give in when it makes good sense.

We should never let ego or pride take over any family situation when it is what is best for the family. 

Food for thought. No matter the gender, honor each other and accept common sense ideas at all times.


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

God Knew What The Lesson Should Be. 1/22/2025

 Good Morning,

The coffee today that just filled my cup is Door County Country Morning Blend and it is time to write. 

We were asked by my friend and neighbor to hold a Bible study at the assisted living home where he lives. We started doing this about three or four months ago. It is a very small group. They all assemble at the dining room table. We pray and then we have a very short Bible study. It is easy for me to do, because I have a library full of short messages and Bible studies. Our new friends have never heard any of them, so it is easy to pick one, print it out and go!

On Monday we were scheduled to hold the study. Monday morning I prayed about it and went into my files which are filed alphabetically and one of the first ones I saw was a simple one on anger management. I thought to myself. "Who doesn't need to take a look at some anger management Biblically now and then.?"

I handed out the study sheets and the lady next to me was looking kind of down. She told me that she had just gotten angry with one of the staff members and she said things to the staff member in a way that was not nice or appropriate. I knew right then and there that God had chosen the subject for the evening. 

This small group went away with two lessons that night.

Psalm 37:8 Cease from anger and forsake wrath, it only causes harm. was the first lesson.

The second lesson was to memorize a Bible verse that would help when you feel you are at your anger tipping point. Calling on the power in the word of God to overcome the temptation to blow up. 

Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You. The study had several verses for her to choose from. 

I believe we can all learn from this short but powerful lesson. Let's all lean on the Word to help us control our anger.  



Monday, January 20, 2025

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due 1/20/2025

 Good Morning, 

The day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee.

Proverbs 3:27 Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it. 

Over the weekend my buddies and I entered a contest to see who could shoot a pheasant with the longest tail feathers. It was a team event. Our team had five guys on it and we were on a game farm hunting birds that were released in a field.  Our dogs flushed a lot of birds and we were able to shoot all of the ones that were flushed. One of my buddies flushed one just by walking next to it. So he gets credit for one flush. Our two dogs Waylon and Leo retrieved all of the downed birds. They did most of the work. Us hunters shot pretty well and we can take credit as a team. 

Later on back at the club house one of the guys took advantage of the offer to have his birds cleaned by a young boy who just started working for the club. (Game Farm). Once I was home the text messages started and pictures were posted. A comment from the fella who had his birds cleaned by this 11 or twelve year old boy, shared on what a good job the youngster did on the birds. 

I took that comment and sent it to the owner of the club. I am positive that he shared the comment with the young man.

It is always important to share a compliment with the person a worker reports to. We are all ready to complain when things are just not perfect. But we are slow to take that extra step and appreciate a job well done. I saw the work ethic of a young boy on a frigid day. If he continues in life the way I witnessed him work, whatever his profession ends up to be, he will be an asset to his team. 

So when a job is done well, say thank you and extend a compliment. If appropriate leave a tip ( we did) to show your appreciation. 

Food for thought!


A Soufflé Can Fall, And A Cake Can Burn 1/20/2025

 Good Morning. 

My mug is full of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee. The house is warm and it is time to write. 

It is true that a souffle' and a cake look tastier when they have risen to the right height for each treat. But even the best of chef's or the best bakers experience the fall of their dietary masterpieces now and then. 

Matthew 18:21-22 Then Peter came to Him and said. "Lord how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?" 22. Jesus said to him. " I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven. 

I am here to say that  one failure or even a few now and then does not stop a dedicated expert from continuing in their field. They learn from their mistakes and use the mistakes to hone their skills. 

If we were to adopt the no quit, don't give up, keep going, attitude that a successful baker or chef needs to have when handling their delicate creations, to our own relationships, we might be able to make that marriage work. We might be able to be more neighborly. We might look forward more to each work day when we don't quit on our coworker relationships. 

Yes the things happen to make a relationship fall or flop. But we need to keep trying and perfecting the recipe for love, respect, patience, and kindness. A tire is only really flat on one side. It isn't any good until someone fixes the flat or brings the compressor to "pump it up".

Food for thought. 


Sunday, January 19, 2025

Frigid Temperatures 1/19/2025

 Good Morning,

The beverage of the morning is Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee and it is time to write. 

The local weather forecast is for below zero temperatures for the next couple of days and it will be a tough one to bear.

Hebrews 13:16 Do not neglect to do good and share what you have, for such sacrifices are please to God. 

My wife and I are blessed to have warm clothing, a warm house, and plenty of firewood for days like this. Cold weather is a challenge for almost everyone and we tend to manage quite well. But it is at times like these that we are to face this cold with spiritual eyes and watch for those who might need some gloves, a hat or a cap. You might have some extra soup you can share or you might be able to spare a blanket or two  for someone in need. A child might need a hand to get dressed in the extra garb needed to beat the cold. Before you step outside ask God to keep you alert for those you might be able to help. 

God will show you your calling in these frigid days. Food for thought.


Saturday, January 18, 2025

Bread And Soup Night 1/18/2025

 Good Morning,

I am up early and I just poured myself a large cup of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee and it is time to write. 

Acts 2:42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. 

Tonight after our Saturday evening church service the flock will gather to dine together and fellowship. I always look forward to these events. I believe that some of the best food I have ever eaten is at the church pot luck dinners. Tonight the food is designed to be a cold weather beater People sign up and some are bringing the soup and some are bringing the bread. We will have a great variety of each as well as some desserts. It's nothing fancy, just a simple meal of different soups, breads and sweets. 

I was gifted some ground bison, and my bison will be made into chili. My point is this. It is important to attend church, worship together, serve in the church with your talents, read your Bible and also take part in the fellowship. This fellowship is an easy one to do and serves two purposes. It's nice to invite folks to church and then have a time afterwards to  get to know people better or renew friendships. We will all leave with a full belly and a happy heart. 

Think about it. Soup and bread. How easy is that to do, at church or your own home? You are as lonely as you choose to be. 


Friday, January 17, 2025

I Believe 1/17/2025

 Good Morning,

I am sitting at my desk and my favorite mug is filled with Door County White Christmas Coffee and it is time to write. 

Matthew 6:33 But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. 

I have been logging some thoughts into a book that was given to me by one of my nephews. It is meant to be given back to him and when I leave this world he can read it and know more about me, and my thoughts, and the particulars of my life. 

If I were to share anything from that book of thoughts it would be this. In 1981 during a stressful time I found my faith in Jesus Christ. I made a promise to God that night to serve Him as long as I am physically able. I adopted the motto. My God is first. My family is second, and I am third. I experienced the saving grace of Jesus and forgiveness that night. My life has changed and evolved every day since then. I wish to be remembered that way and that I was a man of prayer. Not just a guy who hunted wild game and missed a lot of shots. I hope he gets that message by reading the book he lovingly gifted me with. 

I hope that in my writing he can understand my calling to serve the Lord and that I always did my best to keep my word to God. I am sure that it is frustrating for my family  to have to alter plans for get togethers because I have a service to perform at church. Here is my thought on that. If God is first in my life, my family will always be a very solid number two. They will never have to be number three or four. I believe in church service and attendance and I  will never change the order. 

There are a lot of questions in this book that I will do my best to answer, like what was the weather like on the day you were born? I had to look that up in Google, but I hope that amongst all the trivia my message of my walk with God is the one that stands out to him. 

Hey have a great day, and walk with God. He wants to hear from you.


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Being Humble Enough To Learn. 1/16/2025

 Good Morning, 

I just filled a large mug with very hot Door County Black and Tan Coffee and it is time to write. 

Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.

There are many times when most people will have to be humble enough to admit they were wrong about something. So in humility you can also say that you are wiser today than you were yesterday. 

When we humble ourselves enough to admit when we are wrong, we open the door to wisdom, by learning from our mistakes or by being corrected. True humility does not really concern itself with who was right, but more as to what is right and true. 

So when you are at an impasse of disagreement as to who is right, look to what is really right and surrender your pride to setting your course to achieve and support true right.

Food for thought,


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Less You Say, The More Your Words Will Matter 11/15/2024

 Good Morning, 

Door County Irish Cream Coffee has decorated the inside of my mug today and it is time to write.

Job 2:13 And they sat with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his suffering was very great. 

We all have a tendency ( usually men) to intend to listen to someone during their personal crisis or issue but we ruin the moment by deriving a solution to their problem before they even finish speaking. We want to solve before we know all there is to know and very often we frustrate the one who is confiding in us. 

When we are listening to someone in need of advice or just to be a sounding board, our job is to listen. We should listen so well that if we had to repeat what the troubled soul said to us we should be able to do it word for word. The less we say and listen more, our words might have a better impact. A true friend listens and waits on sharing an opinion or just continues to listen without jumping in with a half baked solution. 

Food for thought???


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Reach For Greatness 1/14/2024

 Good Morning, 

I will be with friends today hunting, and my Door County Irish Crème Coffee will be considered to be my friend. It is a cold one today. 

Matthew 25:40 And the King will answer and say to them. Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me. 


In life, people will perform many acts of "greatness" on any given day, including you. You just took a look in the mirror and said "I don't see myself doing anything great in this world today or any day in the future." You are wrong. 

I am here to argue with you. If you prayed for someone today. If you reached out in friendship to a stranger. If you fed a hungry person. If you consoled someone who is hurting, you preformed an act of greatness. You did something to alter someone's life in a good way. No one said what you said. No one else did what you did for that one moment in time.

My thought for the day is this. "You don't have to be great to start. But you have to start to be great. 

Reach out for greatness today. Impact a life or two today. Don't keep a tally, just make an encounter with you a great day for those who need it.


Monday, January 13, 2025

Calling God Is A Free Call 1/13/2025

 Good Morning,

One hot cup of Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee is at my side, tugging at my taste buds and it is time to write. 

I am old enough to remember the rotary phones and party lines. Back in the days of my childhood when there was just one phone in the house and it was wired to the wall. If it were a party line several homes could be on one branch line and you had to wait to make a call after others were finished with their call. Calling outside of our immediate area would require that you paid long distance fees. Phone calls tended to be few and far between and were generally shorter in time spent between two parties.

Not like it is today where there are many phones in one home, some still called land lines and cell phones galore. Calls across the nation and world are much cheaper that they were "back in the day". Text messaging and emails are sent over telephones now, with photos

What hasn't changed and has always been convenient and accessible is calling out to God. You don't have to dial anything. You are never placed on hold. Calls can be placed 24/7 and you never have to look up the number. The Bible tells us that when we call out we call to God, not some answering service with an operator who does not speak your language.  You are equipped with a mouth that can place calls to God without an Apple, or Android, phone, or Verizon or Walmart services. 

If God advertised directions on how to place a call to heaven it might look like this. 

Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me and I will and will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. 

The emergency service can handle all the calls that come in at anytime. The circuits to God are never overloaded. 

It's time we all spent less time on the phone with those on earth and spend more time speaking with the One who loves us most and is the expert in all things. 

Food for thought. 


Sunday, January 12, 2025

When You Pursue Anger ??? 1/12/2025

 Good Morning,

My Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee will be traveling with me to the woods of Southern Wisconsin today. I plan on sitting and hunting some squirrels for a pot of stew later this week.

I am convinced that when your heart and mind allow you to pursue anger, all that happens is that you get more to be angry about. 

Anger is like cancer. Left unchecked it spreads and begins to consume more territory of your mind, heart and soul. Satan likes to take our not so beautiful traits and overfeed us with more opportunities to fail and become less than God intended us to be. 

When I was first learning to play football our coach taught us this. A running back cannot advance the ball when he is laying on his rear end.  Zero in on the ball carrier and put him down with a shoulder and two arms wrapped around him. I noticed that when I did that repeatedly, the ball carrier ran away from my side. They would avoid running my way. 

We need to treat anger like cancer and a run away halfback. Stop the anger with a hard stop. Avoid it and make it run from you. Treat issues with a calm, direct answer or solution measured with Biblical characteristics. 

James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore  to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 

Psalm 37:8 Cease from anger and forsake wrath, it only causes harm. 

Food for thought!!!


Saturday, January 11, 2025

I Believe It Is Saturday! Let Me Verify1/11/2025

 Good Morning,

I am sitting at my desk with a very hot cup of Door County County Cherry Crème Coffee and a message on my mind. 

On Thursday of this week I received a phone call from a young lady. When I answered she addressed me as "Dad". I was expecting a call from an attorney. I replied with yes. She went on, explaining that she had been in an automobile accident  and needed money for a tow truck. I asked again 
"who is this? " The reply was "your daughter and I need help. I need your credit card number". She used our daughter's first name. I have caller ID on the phone system in my truck and it showed the call to be a local one and the name did not match our daughter's ID. The area code was local and our daughter lives elsewhere in the United States with a much different area code. 

The hard cold fact is that I was being scammed and fortunately I caught on quickly and shut down the caller toot sweet. I did report the incident to the police and as I expected there wasn't much they could do about it. The officer asked me if there was anything going on in my life that would make me be an easy target. I told him that recently we were mourning the loss of our grandson. He asked if there was a published obituary and I responded yes. 

He went on to explain that people read the obituaries and prey on the hurting, especially older folks (which I qualify for). They use the sad news and try to trip people up in a time of weakness. 

 My point for the day is we all need to be aware of these scams and keep your wallets closed. There is a time to be generous and ways to do it that are safe. Unfortunately this world has way too many people willing to work at crime instead of an honest day's work. Verify, verify verify and then verify again. 

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober minded, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 

Food for thought!


Friday, January 10, 2025

Sliding Into Friday! 1/10/2025

 Good Morning,

The beginning of the weekend is making my cup of Door County Irish Crème Coffee taste even better than ever this fine morning.

Or you could say that today is the end of a week and that just might fit where you are emotionally and  it is your choice as to how you view things. Neither choice is wrong. 

In life, no two solutions are absolute for two different people. We are free to choose our views on the process of our lives. What works for me might not work for you. 

But I do know for sure that two things never change and that is Jesus Christ and the Word of God. 

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today and forever. He loves me.

Romans 8:39 Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Nothing can take that away from me.

Isaiah 40:8 The grass withers, the flowers fade. But the word of God will stand forever. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

And this works for me. God bless your Friday and your weekend. 


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Enjoy Your Mornings 1/9/2025

 Good Morning,

I have a hot cup of Door County Cherry Crème Coffee with me and two sleepy Springer Spaniels warming my feet. It is time to write. 

I am definitely at my best in the morning. I wake up and hit the floor with prayer and a hot cup of some type of Door County Coffee 90% of the time. Nothing really gets me to alter my routine. I start my prayers with being thankful for another day. I am then thankful for my family, friends, our home and the blessings of our meals and provisions.  I may or may not eat something for breakfast. 

Psalm 143:8 ESV Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.

I then feed our dogs and get them outside. After they run around a little bit, they are usually asleep when I trek upstairs to the den to write my blog. If by chance I am doing something that day that requires me to leave the house earlier, I don't rush my wake up process. I just start it earlier. 

When I was in the workforce and before I retired, I still made time to launch my day in this fashion. Before I take that first sip of coffee, I preheat the mug with hot water and then I pour a hot cup of coffee. Then I microwave the coffee for 22 seconds to add just a little more heat to it. For the longest time the extra power was 19 seconds. This new microwave calls for 22 seconds. Then the coffee is perfect in my mind. 

You are reading this and thinking that I am a we bit touched in the head. What life has taught me is this. Start your day with prayer. Read a a little devotional ( Word Of God). Each day has an element of surprise to it, good or bad. Make sure to prepare your heart for the day. You just never know what or who will come your way. Paste on that smile and be approachable. Make your mornings work for you so you can take on the day with a smile and gusto. 

My point is this. The old world spins faster and faster each day.  Before it really gets hectic, enjoy your morning, it is a gift from God. 

God bless,


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Dump The Truck Once 1/8/2025

 Good Morning,

My cup is filled with Door County Naughty Or Nice Grog Coffee and the house is warm, so it is time to write. 

My wife and I often find ourselves in need of loading up our truck and going to the town dump. The team that runs the dump likes to call it a recycling center and it does afford the service of recycling as well. But to my wife and I, it is the dump. It is not a long trip for us. In just a matter of minutes we are there. My wife Rene can pack a truck. She will use every inch available to fill the truck with whatever we are getting rid of. She always says, "I don't want to have go back. I don't need to see the refuse in the garage until I make another trip. I only want to make one trip."

I had a man talk to me while my daughter and I were on a walk in her neighborhood. He was addressing the situation we were in and the hurt, and anger we were feeling. He said, "Don't dump the truck twice. Take all of your hurt, pain and sorrow to God and don't hang on to any of it. Give it all to Him." Those words rang true in my heart and in my mind. 

1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your anxieties on Him for He cares for you. 

Friends, dump the truck of any emotions that are clouding your heart today. And dump the truck once, and completely. Garbage is not meant to stay.   


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Eggs For The Guys 1/7/2025

 Good Morning, 

I am sitting at my desk with a hot cup of Door County Cherry Crème Coffee and it fits my morning just fine. 

Have you ever wished that dogs could talk? I know I have said that a lot of times. I believe that God created all things and when he created dogs He purposely made them not to be able to speak. That ability would have enabled them to share their thoughts. With that in mind, a dog can never really insult you or hurt your feelings. They keep their feelings inside and look to you for their needs and wants. They will bark when something is out of sorts and are a sounding board for your thoughts. They listen without feeling the need to comment. 

We give our dogs a cooked egg once a week. It keeps their coats shiny and it seems to me a little more water resistant. When that egg pan comes out they camp in the kitchen, which tells me they approve. Once the egg is done cooking, and I let it cool down, they eat their treat and they are content. 

We could learn a little from a dog. Be patient with others. Learn to be quiet. Be there 24/7 for others and love at all times. They are patient with you. They can make you smile and laugh when others can't. They never refuse a hug or a place on your feet.

Food for thought on a cold Tuesday. 


Monday, January 6, 2025

Time To Write Again 1/6/2025

 Good Morning,

I just poured myself a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and settled in at my desk for a few minutes. 

On December 29th 2024 we were shaken to the core by the passing of our grandson Dominick. Thank you for your prayers and support during this very difficult time. 

I learned a lot in the last few days and will probably never share all the lessons learned. But here is one of them.

Psalm 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. In the middle of this loss I longed for safety from any more hurt and refuge. I sought wisdom and comfort so I could help our daughter.  Everything seemed and still does, to be in slow motion. 

Prayer became a life line for me and direct channel where I could pour out my heart and unload some of the hurt. I felt comfortable letting God know that I was confused and at times angry. Through prayer I could vent and also receive some comfort. 

Point of the day. In my sorrow, and pain, I wandered back into the arms of God through prayer and with help from others. If your heart is filled with hurt, pain, and anger, the best place to unload that truck is time spent in prayer and in God's promises. 

God bless,


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Blog News1-2-2025

 Good Morning

The daily blog will return on Monday January 6th. Thank you all for your prayers and support.
