Saturday, May 4, 2024

When God Speaks 5/4/2024

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee as I write this morning. The doves are especially talkative as I listen tow the morning serenade outside my window. 

James 1:22 ESV But be doers of the word, not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 

The one primary way that God speaks to His children is through His word (The Bible). He speaks in other ways but I believe that His word is the number one way. There is something to say about listening and hearing God. You know it is God because He never asks you to do something that is not scripturally sound. He doesn't go against His word. 

A key to hearing God is our response to Him when He speaks. Nothing but full obedience is expected from us. People often say "I don't hear from God" I ask them if they can recall the last time He spoke to them. If they can recall that time, I ask them how they responded. If they were not obedient, I tell them to go back in time a do what He asked them to do and complete the task if possible, or ask to be forgiven if the task is now out of reach.  This restores the communications. 

It's like that family child who just doesn't do as they are told and you get tired of telling them to clean up their room. Many a child has received that cold look from a parent and heard, "we will talk when you do what I asked you to do". 

It is best to say yes the first time and get about doing what you said yes to.

Food for thought.


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