Monday, December 30, 2024

Time To Mourn And A Time To Weep 12/30/2024

 Good Morning,

I want to take a moment to announce that I will be taking a rest from writing for awhile. My family and I are navigating a tragedy within the family. We are unsure of many things right now and would ask you to respect our privacy during our time of sorrow. We covet your prayers and appreciate your kind thoughts.

Thank you,


Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Steak Shall Reign Again 12/29/2024

 Good Morning, 

I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee and will be leaving soon to hunt geese with some buddies of mine. 

I will praise you., O Lord, with all my heart, I will tell of all your wonders. 

In a couple of days we will turn the page of the calendar and it will be 2025. Two nights ago we celebrated Christmas late with my side of the family. It was a great time and we missed those who could not make it because of distance or other reasons. They were truly missed. 

One of the gifts I received had two bottles of meat seasoning in the bag. Everyone knows that I like a good slab of beef with lots of seasoning cooked on the grill or smoker. I was looking at the seasonings when we arrived home and my mind began to wander. 

Our men at church hold an annual steak feed every year at the church. This year we will hold it on June 6th and we will be celebrating 25 years of barbecuing steaks and challenging the men to live Godly lives. I am all ready to start selling the tickets in February. Over the years, myself and a great friend watched the event grow from 9 guys to a couple hundred. We have witnessed God supply all of our needs and each year when we said "This is the last one." He did something to let us know that we were to continue the event. For instance, we have never run out of seasonings. Some how, some way we always end up with more than we started with. Now and then things like  barrels of root beer were donated or the potatoes were  given to us from a high school buddy of mine. There is always a sign to keep forging on one more year. Men continue to pay for those who can't afford to buy a meal. The event has always been blessed with kindness. We have seen lives changed and men forget their troubles for one night. 

So as we turn the calendar page this week I will be counting down the days until the men crank up the grills. There is nothing like steak and a crowd of men singing Amazing Grace. Oh! By the way, God sent the sign to give this event another year. Two more bottles of seasoning!


Saturday, December 28, 2024

Time After Time. How Many Is Enough? 12/28/2024

 Good Morning,

I will enjoy my hot cup of Door County Christmas Coffee while I write and pray. I think that is a great way to start this day. 

We are creatures of habit and not all habits are good ones. There is one stretch of highway in our area that has several warnings informing drivers of the speed limit change coming up. I watched a young lady just blow by me Thursday morning on my way home from hunting with friends. As she rounded a turn there was a speed control sheriff who when she passed turned on the lights and siren. She was caught speeding and I would guess at about 20 miles per hour over the limit. She was about a quarter of a mile into the speed change and showed no signs of slowing down until the the flashing lights of the police car were in full bloom. Too little too late. 

There were plenty of signs prior to the speed limit change warning of the upcoming slow down. In our lives there are many warnings given to us to behave properly and we know the consequences, when we don't. There is a simple one that we all too often ignore. Our body was equipped with a warning detector to let us know when we need rest. ' We become tired and our body let's us know that we are in need of rest. Yet, very often we push the limits of exhaustion and cause our body to weaken from lack of rest. Too little rest can cause a multitude of issues. 

So my point for today, is for us all not to ignore the signs in our lives. Example, when your spouse has to attend too many outings alone and make excuses for your absence, and he or she doesn't even tell you about what you missed, it is a sign that he or she is tired of your lack of attention. 

Read and heed the signs of life. They are there for you to read and obey and flourish in life. 


Friday, December 27, 2024

God Knew You Would Need Comfort 12/27/2024

 Good Morning,

I just sat down to write and steaming next to me is a hot cup of Door County Naughty Or Nice Grog Coffee. I might need a second cup today. 

In the last few days there has been a lot of seasonal joy and happiness. But, not for everyone. Someone in this world, lost their job, lost a relative, received a monetary surprise and not in a good way. Someone is sleeping in a chair at a hospital as a loved one fights for their life. Your marriage or relationship is in the tank, without hope. You ordered something and someone stole it right off of your porch. 

I am here to say that every one of the instances listed above stinks and although we don't like it, we have to go through it. God knew exactly when these things would take place and they are part of what happened when Adam first sinned and the world was no longer one happy garden. Evil crept in and we have these calamities and sorrows. Yes we walk through this world and it can hurt, but we can take God at His word. On the day you need comfort, He is there. On the day you lost everything, He is there. When it seems like heartache is all you feel, He is there. It is up to us to reach out, seek comfort, and accept it. 

Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those mourn, for they shall be comforted. 

2 Corinthians 1:3 Blessed be the God and  Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Father of mercies and God of all comfort. 

Psalm 94:19 When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul.  

Psalm 119:76 O may your lovingkindness comfort me, According to Your word to Your servant. 

Revelation 21:4 And He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain, the first things have passed away. 

Food for thought,


Thursday, December 26, 2024

The Clock Started 12/26/2024

 Good Morning,

This day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee. 

Today is one day after celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to this earth, leaving heaven on a mission to redeem the lost. Thirty some  years later Jesus was condemned, sentenced, beaten, and crucified on the cross for the sins of the world. 

The minute Jesus was born, the clock began to tick away and with each second Jesus was closer to fulfilling God's command to give himself as the ultimate atonement for our mistakes and disobedience. 

Just some food for thought here. If it was you who was sentenced at birth, would you have wanted to be approachable with the rest of the social injustice that brought people to you? Would you have walked long hours just to minister to a blind man?

Jesus was on a mission from day one and he had his eyes and heart set on completing His work. 

John 4:34 "My food," said Jesus, " is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.

What mission will God send you on in this upcoming year? Will you strive hard to complete the task?

 Think on it and go in peace and gusto.


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

From Our Home To Yours, Merry Christmas 12/25/2024

 Good Morning, 

My old hands are embracing my hot cup of Door County Christmas Coffee like a drowning man hanging on to the side of a life boat. The heat from the cup feels very nice today. 

I was talking with an old friend last night after our Christmas Eve church service as two old guys will do. We were both remarking as to how much more pleasant many of the advertising commercials are this Christmas season. They seem to be more entertaining in a wholesome way. There were a few commercials that I looked forward to seeing. There was one commercial featuring Franklin Graham and he delivered a message of how important a relationship with Jesus is. He cut right to the heart of every soul and sealed the message with an invitation to follow Jesus. 

We can hope and pray for world peace and that is a noble thing to do. My friends, any peace that might take place needs to start with each and every person, seeking peace within our own hearts and souls. My prayer for those reading my blog today is to heed the call of Christmas and let a relationship with the Savior Jesus light the fire in your heart for peace, hope and love today. 

Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light". 

Romans 10:13 For "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord  shall be saved." 

Someone. somewhere is hurting today and their world seems dark and hopeless. Fill your heart with the love of the One who died for you. Heed His invitation of rest for your soul. 

Merry Christmas and may God Bless you and yours. . 



Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Music And Hurt All Night Long 12/24/2024

Good Morning,

My cup was just filled with some Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee and I am tired.

Christmas Eve arrived right on time and I have a busy day in facing me. When I think about some of the Christmas Eve celebrations I have participated I recall a gift I received on year from my parents. It was small transistor radio. I can't recall the brand but is had a single ear plug so you could listen privately and not disturb anyone else. I listened to that radio all night long. The stations I listened to was WOKY and WLS. One was a local station and the other boomed load and proud from Chicago. 

Finally I could listen to my own music and not be subject to what my parents listened to. I felt like I was at the top of the world. The radio received it's power from a nine volt battery which actually lasted a long time. My gift also included a couple of spare batteries. 

The program from one of the stations was taking call in requests and song dedications. That's when it hit me really hard and right on the nose that not everyone was having a Merry Christmas. Many of the song dedications were from lonely mothers, wives or girl friends sending a message of love to their loved ones stationed in Vietnam. The war was raging on and many young men and women were away from the families. 

I tried to sleep that night as this eleven year old boy listened to the music and the message of hurt found that night. It just kept me awake for a long time. The music was lost in the messages of love sent over the airwaves. I wondered if anyone who the song requests and dedications sere sent out for ever heard the messages being broadcasted that night. 

It was many years later when I finally took the time to pray for our military personnel who are away from home, some in danger's grip. It has become my an annual tradition to pray for our service men and women, every Christmas Eve. Take some time today or tonight and pray for those who are serving and away from home. Pray for their families. 

Merry Christmas 


I mentioned yesterday that I was sent a Christmas Waltz to listen to recorded by a dear friend of mine Richard Rys.  I am very fond of his work with his concertina. He has allowed me to post his beautiful and peaceful work. It has me wishing I was more technically skilled with posting attachments! I am very fond of his work with his concertina.

Monday, December 23, 2024

The Gift Of Music 12/23/2024

 Good Morning,

I am awake and moving this morning. I am enjoying a hot cup of  Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee and it is time to write. 

Psalm 101:1 I will sing of steadfast love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will make music. 

I spent yesterday afternoon hunting some pheasants with our youngest dog Leo. It was a productive day and will be remembered today because I am sore from the walking in ten inches of snow and slipping now and then on some ice. The price of growing older!

I opened my email account earlier this morning and much to my surprise I received an email from a dear friend with an attachment. I was expecting a correspondence from him. But I received the email and there was a link to a recording. My friend is a master musician and plays the concertina. I opened the attachment and have already played it twice this morning. It is a beautiful rendition of the "Christmas Waltz". My friend brightened my day with his talent. 

With all the ugliness going on in the world it did my soul good to hear a tune played from the heart. I am glad that I opened the link this morning. I did not receive permission to share the recording and just maybe I will be granted the go ahead. If I do, I will share it in my blog. 

The point for the day is this. Musicians, make someone's day by sharing your gift. Music from the heart heals the souls of others. Play on!

God bless, 


Sunday, December 22, 2024

Get Going. Thoughts For The Sunday Before Christmas 12/22/2024

 Good Morning, 

There is a hot cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java in front of me and it is tempting me to have a second cup of the brew.

Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government, shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called , Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Just three more days until Christmas. The time in December has just gone by so fast ,it is amazing. It seems like just yesterday, we were in desperate pursuit of a new Christmas tree. The planning for a Christmas brunch was completed many weeks ago and all that needs to be done is for the supplies that were ordered to be picked up and cooked. Come Wednesday morning I will be up early. Well before dawn cooking and drinking plenty of coffee. By 10 am I will be in more of a festive mood as a few guests will be arriving and hopefully I won't burn the French toast. 

My point for today is pretty simple. The feasts are great, gift giving is nice, but it is more important just to get together with loved ones. I am sure I will forget something or the potatoes will be seasoned wrong, but that's not the most important thing. We are here one more year to celebrate the birth of Jesus, which includes counting our blessings. Nothing is guaranteed for next year. Somewhere, someone is suffering in a hospital. Someone is planning a funeral. Someone is all alone and miserable. Someone has to work and cannot be with family. Someone is contemplating suicide. Just be happy that it isn't you. 

So my advice is this, eat a chocolate if you have one. If you have a whole box, share it with someone. Thank God for sending Jesus to die for our sins. Count your blessings out loud and sing a Christmas tune. But start today and rev up your heart to celebrate another year and Christmas. If you are lonely, consider serving in a shelter for the homeless. If you aren't lonely but want to have a feel good moment serve a neighbor or two. Bring them a plate and a cup of cheer. It's almost over with. Get going and find Christmas in your heart. 


Saturday, December 21, 2024

Humble Gets To Eat 12/21/2024

 Good Morning,

In front of me I have a very hot cup of Door County Naughty Or Nice Grog and it is just what was needed for this cold December morning.

Romans 12:16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. 

For about two years now my wife Rene and I have been feeding the birds that call our front yard their home. We are not bird experts at all. We just enjoy seeing what visits the feeder each day. To be honest we only know what a few of them are. Their patterns however are predictable. When there is going to be a weather change like rain, or snow, or colder temperatures the birds are more aggressive with the feeder. The smaller birds rustle up their food and much of it falls to the ground where the larger birds eat from what is spilled. It is amazing to see the larger birds being fed by the actions of the tiny little birds. 

What's the lesson for today? Well here we go. The larger birds learned to be polite and seem to appreciate an assistance from the wee ones. They never hassle the little workers and glean from their work.  

So as we go through life, let's not get pumped up because of our status or importance. Let's make sure that we appreciate all the work done on our behalf and say thank you to all who make this world of ours a better place. Each person is important to God and should be important to us. Learn to be humble and you just might see the work that goes into sustaining your life. Appreciate others!

Have a great day!


Friday, December 20, 2024

The First Measurable Snowfall Makes You Think12/20/2024

 Good Morning,

I just visited our meat smoker with a hot cup of Door County Christmas Coffee in my hand. The pork shoulder is done and will be served and some shared with our neighbor. Last night we also received our first measurable snowfall for this winter season. So after I haul in the meat, I will dress up warmly and start moving the snow around clearing our driveway. It was not a major snow storm. But a good practice is to move the first snowfall back far enough to make room for the next ones. Once it is frozen it becomes hard to move. One never knows how much snow will be delivered in a season. I am one of those "just in case guys".


Proverbs 1:1-5     The proverbs of  Solomon son of David. king of Israel. 2.For gaining wisdom and instruction, for understanding words of insight. 3. For receiving instruction in prudent behavior, doing what is right, just, and fair. 4.For giving prudence to those who are simple, knowledge and discretion to the young. 5. Let the wise listen, and add to their learning and let  the discerning get guidance.                                                                                                          

So I suppose a snowfall makes you think and if you can recall some storm memories in your lifetime, you probably were taught a lesson or two. Experiences come and go, but what good is an experience if you don't learn a lesson from it? I am sure we could come up with a 100 page book on lessons learned from storms, outages, flooding, fires. heat waves and sub zero weather. Now if you think there is a lesson you have learned and it is of value, at least pass it on to family members. Tell them about when the light clicked  on in your brain. 

I learned a long time ago, starting the snow blower ahead of the storm pays huge dividends in saving your back. I am sure my neighbors think I am crazy when I start our snow blower in early September and then once a month until we start using it on a regular basis.  In the spring I drain the gas and change the oil. We are then ready for September once more. 

So my friends, if God has shown you a lesson, be willing to share it with others.  Have a great day!!


Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Master Builder 12/19/2024

 Good Morning,

The old cup is filled with extra hot Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee and it is time to write.

Hebrews 3:4  For every house is built by someone, but God is the Builder of everything. 

Last night I took a moment to observe what was going on in our home. My wife Rene was busy sewing something for her mother. I was busy preparing a meal for someone to eat tonight. The Christmas tree was shining bright and our two dogs Leo and Gibbs were resting after some great exercise. It was quiet in the house and very peaceful.

We started building our house in 1993 and before anything was started, Rene and I stood on the land and prayed and asked God to use this home and land for good things. I remember that prayer like it was yesterday. We knew that although we paid the mortgage we also knew Who found us great employment. We knew that the freezer was full by the blessings of God and the coffee was hot because of God as well. The doors worked to keep out the cold, yet welcomed people to stay here for as long as they needed. God was the author of our open doors. Eventually the grass grew and it was the padding for some robust volleyball games. Hundreds of biscuits were made here. (That will be explained in another blog.)

What I am trying to point out this morning, is that you might sweep the floors in your house, fix the plumbing, and mow the lawn. But it is God who builds and maintains the hearts within the home. God should be the author of all of the home's policies and procedures. Remember, each stick of lumber that went into the building of the house started with a tree, that was planted by God and nourished until it was harvested. 

So the main shingle within the home, doesn't always need to be written, but needs to be known to all. The light is on, the coffee will be fresh and the door is always open to everyone.  The Master Builder, issues the occupancy permit.

Have a great day!


Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Our Words Count 12/18/2024

 Good Morning,

My cup is filled with Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee and this day shall be started!

Early last night I needed some supplies to make a meal for some friends of ours who are experiencing some health problems and could use a little lift. I had most of the supplies at home but just needed a few other ingredients. 

I went to a store that I frequent very often and while there I watched several customers as they listened to two of the store's workers argue. The argument was only verbal but should never have taken place in the work setting. I watched one customer leave her cart, filled with groceries, walk out in disgust. The anger between the two workers had spilled into a toxic verbal assault filled with vulgar expletives. Usually there is a manager around but last night at that time there wasn't anyone present. 

Another man about my age, piped up and said, "Guys, not the right time or the right place." He was told where to shove his comment. One of them then asked me if I had something to say, almost taunting me to respond. I did reply and it wasn't very nice. A manager did appear just about then and she told the two that the police were on the way and they were fired. For some reason that worked and the two left the store and their anger had switched directions to the manager and then me. 

They sped away and later as I left with my supplies, I was disgusted to say the least. But I was mostly disgusted by myself. My response which wasn't very nice at all only fueled the flames of stupidity. I was at a point where I actually wanted to place a boot on the back side of those two guys. My actions did not do a thing to make the situation better, they only made it worse.  

Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. 

I went home and proceeded to work on the meal for friends, but the incident still bothered me. Nothing went right with my small project and it was due to me having anger that just overflowed all night. 

The words of Psalm 37 raced through my mind. "Cease from anger and forsake wrath, it only causes harm." 

Food for thought!


Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Bacon And The Baby 12/17/2024

 Good Morning,

I am truly enjoying a hot cup of Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee as I write. The coffee is cutting a path of comfort right to my bones today. 

Galatians5:22-23 ESV But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness, 23. gentleness, self control, against such, there is now law. 

In 1978 on this day I was rabbit hunting with my dad. Much to my surprise the daughter we were told would probably be arriving about two weeks later decided that she had enough of the womb and it was time to be born. It was one hectic morning that led to a baby arrival later that day. 

My observations of what I used to know as solid foundations and what you could count on changed. A baby has a way of melting hearts and what once was a hard fast rule changed just because of a cute bundle of joy. Those babies hold all the power. 

Fast forward a about a year or so and I will prove my point. We went to visit my aunt Betty. She had a heart of gold, yet could chew you out and make your path straight in a heartbeat. Our little bundle of joy was eating solid foods at the time and knew her way around a slice of bacon or five.  Now at that time this little one was already a dog lover. My uncle, was a little more on the mischievous side and was showing the wee one how to throw pieces of bacon to the dog, a chubby beagle. Our saintly daughter would laugh and squeal each time that dog sat and then jumped for a piece of bacon.  On that morning, I learned that common sense was gone and tossed away when my aunt over ruled us as to throwing food to the dog.  She actually fried another pound of bacon just so  the "baby" could enjoy feeding the dog. 

There was no arguing with my aunt and she continued as years went by  to bend the rules for her great nieces and nephews. It made me think back to when I was a child. That same aunt played Etch A Sketch with me for hours. My point for the day is this. The little ones in our lives are only little once, enjoy them while you can and just now and then a small rule can be broken. Go out of your way for the little ones and let them know you love them. The best way to do that is by giving them your time and now and then let nonsense rule the day!

Happy Birthday Kristy. I hope your bacon is crisp!

God bless,


Monday, December 16, 2024

Treat Yourself Nicely Today 12/16/2024

 Good Morning, 

A hot cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee awaits me when I am finished writing for today. 

Normally I write about being nice to others, considering them to be more important than yourself. And I have not abandoned that ideal for living.

But today I want to remind you that you are also important and it is a good idea to treat yourself nicely as well. Do something nice for yourself. Maybe you are away from your family on business. You could eat another cold sandwich tonight for dinner in your hotel room or you could venture out and eat a decent meal. You could take in a short nap if time permits. Actually carve out some time just for a nap. You are worth it. Maybe extend that hot shower an extra minute or two. A second cup of of coffee??? How about a little extra time in prayer and don't forget to pray for yourself. 

Psalm 139:13-16 For you formed my inward parts, you knitted me together in my mother's womb. 14. I praise you for I am wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. 15. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. 16. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them. 

God loves you so much that He filled this world with good and wonderful things, Take some time to treat yourself to something nice today. I think my treat will be some extra time with a book I am reading and then a giant meatball. 

God bless,


Sunday, December 15, 2024

What's In It For Me? 12/15/2024

 Good Morning,

I just started drinking my hot Door County Mistletoe Mocha and it is time to write. 

This day is rainy and dreary and I have a small project ahead of me. It can either be an easy one or can turn into a longer drawn out affair, I am hoping easy comes my way. 

In my message to the folks who attend our Saturday evening church service, I used this verse as part of the message. Mark 10:45  For even the Son Of Man did not come to be served. but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.

This passage laid heavy on me yesterday and today. I believe that many Christians have started listening to a new radio station. WIIFM This station describes the hearts of many as they look for the church to provide their fellowship, funerals, weddings, and a feel good message or not feel good message. WIIFM stands for What's In It For Me?.  You can tell where their heart is just be listening to their complaints. "It's too cold in here. When will we sing this song? Why are we having a Christmas Eve service so early on the 24th.? Who chose that color for the carpeting?" They never seem content with what is scheduled, but yet they attend, and never help with the process. "That message did not feed me."

If you attend church, do you serve there? I am content with what I receive from my church. Because I attend not to be served but to serve. When I attend on Sunday's which is rare for me (I attend and serve on Saturdays.)   I come also to serve. I pray for the pastor who is delivering the message for the day. I pray for those who the message is to touch. If needed I do whatever is asked of me. 

Jesus as the Son of God, could have expected to be served wherever He went. But, NO he served others for three and a half years. The King left heaven to serve, not to be served. So today if you are about to say "I really don't get much out of church, that is because you attend for you, you do not attend for others. Time to change the radio station Of Your Life. Try WIMM What Is My Ministry? When your heart beats for others, It always beats best. 


Saturday, December 14, 2024

Please Help Me I Am Falling 12/14/2024

 Good Morning,

A very hot cup of Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee is resting next to me at my desk. I have a few chores to do today and I think the Thermos bottle will be filled with the rest of the coffee as I move about today. 

Hebrews 13:16 Don not neglect to do good and share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. 

As we continue into the Christmas season we need to be more sensitive and aware of folks that are not seen as much as they should be. Christmas has a way of drawing us to social activities and family gatherings. This includes church attendance. For some, December is just a reminder how lonely they are and how withdrawn they are from society. So when you gather for for family events, work events, and church, take note of who is there. Just as important take a memory shot of who isn't there. Call on those who might be shut in, or just too lonely and depressed  to make an appearance socially. Reach out to them if possible ahead of the events and extend a warm invitation to them to attend whatever has been planned. 

When was the last time you reached out to someone who has not been in church for awhile? How about the family member that has to conveniently work and can't gather with the clan? What about that expensive work party your employer throws? Can you say thank you just by attending if possible? Is your neighbor alone without somewhere to go?  

As  we get busier over the next two weeks can we slow down just a little for those who get lost in the shuffle? 

Food for thought! Don't let an empty chair stay empty.


Friday, December 13, 2024

Answered Prayer 12/13/2024

 Good Morning, 

I will be headed out this morning with two friends of mine to purchase some smoked meats at a place in Wittenberg Wisconsin. I will be drinking a hot cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee as I drive and thinking about some Nueske's bacon and smoked sausages. 

There have been a few noted miracles over the last few days. Three friends of mine requested prayer from many people for major health concerns and their prayers were answered as the doctors shared good news with them. What impressed me was they all remembered to thank God as the Author of their good news. Before anything was said about doctors, nurses and their hard work, God was given credit for the good news. 

Isaiah 65:24 Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear. 

Romans 8:27 And He who searches hearts, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. 

I believe in prayer and there are times that God says no to our requests. Why? I do not know, but I will always pray and trust God's perfect will for my life and for others. To God be the glory in all matters. 


Thursday, December 12, 2024

Let The Fire Of Anger Burn Out 12/12/2024

 Good Morning,

I just poured a hot cup of Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee and I believe it is the solution to a cold house and a cold body. 

I know one sure way to ruin Christmas for yourself and for others. Seek revenge toward someone who has wronged you, or at a minimum try and get the last word in on a disagreement. That last word could be a huge mistake. Until the Lord calls us home we will tend to get into spats between friends, neighbors, and relatives. We tend to disagree with others and then we seek revenge or the last word. I have to tell you when it comes to getting that last word in, it often backfires leaving you with the desire to get one more last word. 

It is best to leave revenge and judgement up to God. It is also best to not say anything at all while angry. The fire of anger is best left to burn out. 

Romans 12:19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine. I will repay, says the Lord."

Psalm 37:8 Cease from anger and forsake wrath. Do not fret. It only causes harm. 

Have a great day!


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

A New Beginning Quit Making Christmas Stink. 12/11/2024

 Good Morning,

I just filled my cup with Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee and I am sipping it slowly to enjoy it much better. 

I was thinking about an old friend I went to high school with back in 1973. We were looking forward to the Christmas break and being away from school for 10 days. I mentioned to him that I was looking forward to being with my family near and far. He then said to me. "I wish I could look forward to some nice traditions with my family. I hate Christmas!" 

I asked him why he was against Christmas and he didn't hesitate to unload his feelings. "My dad just uses Christmas to get sloppy drunk, and then he starts in on us kids and then my mother. I never know if the police will be coming to our door to break up the arguing or take my dad to jail. My older sibling sneaks out of the house and spends the holiday with friends and their parents. I am left to console my mother who always says she will leave my dad but never does. Last year I ate peanut butter and jelly for Christmas dinner. My mother worked and my dad, well I don't really know where he was.  Just once I would like a Christmas tree that doesn't get thrown out on to the lawn. I don't even want any Christmas presents. The present I want is to have peace in the family which includes a sober dad."

I did not know what to say to him. I asked him if he would like to come over and eat and spend Christmas with me and my family. My dad always welcomed our friends to our table. I knew it would be ok to ask my friend to come to our home. I left the invitation open and said, you know where we live and this is when we will be eating. 

He did not show up Christmas Eve nor Christmas Day. My mother packed a couple plates of food and cookies and on Christmas day I went to look for him. I found him asleep in the family car. He was covered in blankets. I knocked on the window and woke him up. We started the car and just talked while he ate. "I can't believe you came to look for me on Christmas Day. This is the best Christmas food I have ever eaten." was his comment. 

The lesson isn't about reaching out to others who are suffering through Christmas. This message is for that person who just always ruins Christmas or other occasions by getting drunk or high. The person who can start an argument that cause everyone to dread the holidays or birthdays in the year. 

The best Christmas present you could give yourself or others is to seek God for a new beginning. 

Psalm51:10-12 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. 

Give yourself and your family the gift of peace that only God can bring. It's time for a new beginning. 


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Prayer With A Family. Christmas Love In Action. 12/9/2024

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying a hot mug of Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee and it is warming me up from the inside out. 

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down his life for a friend. 

On Sunday evening my wife and I were blessed to be included in prayer time for a dear friend's family  member. We made the short journey to their home and visited with the family and prayed with them. This relative of hers will be undergoing a major transplant surgery this week. One of the other family members is donating an organ for his family member. 

Now if that isn't love in action, I am as dumb as they come. What a Christmas blessing it was for us to be included in this prayer time. I do believe that I will never forget the love I witnessed in that living room. God joined us there and it was an amazing time and you could just sense His presence. 

A gift of life will be given tomorrow and my prayers will be for successful surgeries and for the family members who will be sitting at the hospital waiting for hours.

My wife and I saw the best of Christmas Sunday evening. 


Monday, December 9, 2024

If You Seek, You Will Find 12/9/2024

 Good Morning,

My mug was just filled with Door County White Christmas Coffee and Monday here I come. 

Last night I put the finishing touches on our Christmas tree and it felt good to be done with the decorating. I have been studying the three wise men in Matthew chapter 2 as I prepare my heart and mind for Christmas. They followed a star to the birthplace of Jesus in Bethlehem. They brought gifts to the Messiah the new newborn King. They traveled to worship Him. 

I was reading in Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. As we often look to get that Christmas feeling we overlook the fact that Jesus is the reason we have Christmas at all. If you want that Christmas feeling, you need to seek out the King and take time to worship Him daily. It is not found in a tree or a wreath, or a slice of ham or a swig of eggnog. It is found when we sit at the foot of the King. 

So as you seek that Christmas feeling, seek and you will find. But seek with your whole heart. 



Sunday, December 8, 2024

You Are As Lonely As You Choose To Be. 12/8/2024

 Good Morning, 

I will be in my truck very soon and headed out to goose hunt in Illinois this morning. I will pack a Thermos bottle filled with Door County Vanilla Crème Brulee Coffee and I plan on enjoying every cup of it. 

Proverbs 18:24 A man who has friends, must himself be friendly. 

Last night we had a taco fellowship after church and I was able to sit with a very nice couple who have become regulars at church. They are quiet and very polite. They are bee keepers and they give us bottles of honey now and then. They are kind and always thinking of others. It seems that I know quite a few people like them. Kind, polite, considerate people seem to populate our Saturday night church services. 

They were interested in my blog and seemed amused as to how I drink a different Door County Coffee flavor every day. It's easy to do when you like their coffee. 

My point for the day is this. You can't get to know someone unless you  take time to sit down and chat. We probably have a lot of differences, but we share a lot of common interests as well. People relationships have one requirement and that is it takes time and effort to get to know others better. So, if you are sitting at home with nothing to do, and you are lonely, make a call, invite someone over to your place. Make the investment of time spent with others, fill your calendar. You are as lonely as you choose to be. 

So choose to be out there. You are a blessing to others if you choose to be.


Saturday, December 7, 2024

Two Different Things To Lace Together 12/7/2024

 Good Morning,

The Door County Candy Cane Coffee resting next to me is very hot and tasty. It is time to write. 

Today in the United States we observe a somber day. December 7th 1941 was the day that the United States was attacked by Japan and we were drawn into World War Two. I had uncles who fought in WW II. So I bow my head and  honor those who fought and lost their lives that day. As long as I live I will always observe this day with sadness in my heart. 

Now my second thought of the day is happier. Yesterday I went in search of a new artificial Christmas tree. In the process of assembling the one we purchased twenty years ago, I noticed that some of the lighting wires were cracking. So off I went from store to store looking for one that I could bring home and not let my wife down. I found one and it was a good deal, so the purchase was made. 

Yesterday, later in the afternoon we started the assembly and the decorating of the tree. It is 90% complete. Some button garland will be added tonight. It did me good to see my wife decorating the tree. It was just a few weeks ago that she was ill and could not have done this type of work even if you paid her to. She tackled the job like a linebacker on a old slow running back. 

So I praise God for showing me the cracked wiring. I praise God for healing her up. And I praise God for Christmas. My Christmas present this year came to me on a ladder. 

Psalm 107:1 O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. 

Have a great day!'


Friday, December 6, 2024

Remember Those Who Hurt.12/6/2024

 Good Morning,

A very hot cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee is steaming next to me and it is time to write. 

It is quiet in the house and my prayer time was also quiet and somber. We are approaching Christmas and the hard cold reality is that tough times and illnesses do not stop and observe the holidays. I am asking that those of us who are doing well and getting along just fine, be observant, and conscious of those who are struggling through tough times. 

Reach out to those who's travels have them on the road of less desirable and remember them. Maybe you could invite them to join you for a holiday meal. How about sending a Christmas card, or giving them a small gift? Don't forget to pray for them as well. Let's put Christmas into action.

James 2:14-20 What does it profit my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15. If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16. and one of you says to them, "Depart in peace, and be warmed and filled," but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17. Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. 

God bless,


Thursday, December 5, 2024

It's A Great Day To Have A Great Day 12/5/2024

 Good Morning, 

A hot cup of Door County Naughty Or Nice Grog is keeping me company this morning.   Our dogs are sleeping on the floor behind me. It is time to write.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Yesterday I was able to use some of my plumbing skills to help  dear friends replace a water heater in their home. I left for home right after the the work was declared leak free. Later I received a text message that they had "Hot Water"! Amen.

This morning I have some desk work to finish and then tonight I will be watching a football game while trimming the Christmas tree with my wife. 

It sounds like a mundane kind of day. But I have set it in my heart that despite what can happen in any day, today  is a great day to have a great day. In my heart there is a melody, my coffee is hot, our home smells great from bread rolls in the oven. I have prayed for a few people this morning and there is a fire in the hearth. I am upright and pretty much pain free. I have so much to be thankful for and I just thanked God for this day that He has given to me. 

It takes very little effort to to look at the small things and appreciate them with gusto ( I haven't used that word in a long time) and make an ordinary day a great day!

Looking closely at your blessings and being thankful for them makes any day a great day.

God bless,


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The Christmas Coats 12/4/2024

 Good Morning,

I hot cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee is steaming in a cup next to me. It is time to write. 

As we approach Christmas, my mind often wanders to memories from many years ago. Two of my grandparents always gave our parents money to purchase Christmas gifts for us kids. It was too hard for them to travel by train with a load of gifts. So they would send a check in the mail and our parents would shop for them. My parents followed the directions given to them by our grandparents. 

Proverbs 11:25 Whoever brings blessings will be enriched and one who waters will be himself watered. 

The one year I have in mind was from the 1960s. It was just my sister and I at that time. Our brother came a few years later. While visiting our grandparents at Thanksgiving, grandma and grandpa noticed that our winter coats were worn a littlie thin. For Christmas, they instructed our dad to purchase winter coats. Grandma knitted mittens and stocking caps for us. Financially things were tough at that time for my family and you just made do with what you had. 

Of course as a young boy I wasn't too excited about receiving a coat, mittens, and a hat. I was picturing a fishing pole or something like that. 

One day in January, while walking home from school, it was super cold outside. The wind was horrible. I only had a six block walk to home. ( Not the two miles uphill story that I heard from my dad)  We will discuss that some other time. 

That cold and wind did not really impact me all that much. The warm coat, hat, and mittens kept me warm all the way home. As I think about the love that went into the purchase of necessities it warms me once more in my heart. 

A gift of a wanted desire is nice. But one to meet necessities is also very nice. Choose wisely as to what gift should be given. I can still see that coat in my mind and the thoughtfulness that was behind the scenes. Of course it was bought one size bigger than needed so it would last for two years. 

God bless. 


Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Flying Together. 12/3/2024

 Good Morning,

I have with me at my desk a large, very hot mug of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee and two sleepy Springer Spaniels sitting on my feet. 

Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves . 4. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

A few years ago my wife Rene and I visited Hawaii. One of the last things we did before coming home was to take a ride and view Oahu from helicopter. It was one of the things on Rene's bucket list and it was my pleasure to take that flight with her. The day was perfect as far as the weather and winds. So it was a smooth ride. Once on the ground we boarded a plane about three hours later and headed home to Wisconsin. 

The whole trip was very nice and we have a neighbor to thank for helping us plan it out. But what I saw from the helicopter was something that Rene had wanted to do for years. One of her dreams came true and I was there to see the tears roll down her face as we took off for a view from the sky. It was more of a view to see her that happy than the waterfalls and seaside landscape. 

It is important that as couples we can appreciate our spouse's bucket list and try to make it happen if possible. When they said I Do you married them and they shared their dreams with you. You are at times the Keeper Of The List. 

Sharing their dreams with you should never be taken lightly nor poked fun of. A dream shared is a moment of intimacy as they show you their heart and mind. 

So it takes a dedicated heart on your part to listen with your ears, mind and heart. 

Food for thought!


Monday, December 2, 2024

Oh No! Finish What You Started 12/2/2024

 Good Morning,

I am running extremely late today. I have been away hunting ducks with my good friends in some extremely cold weather. I went to bed early last night and ended up sleeping for about ten hours. My mug is full of Door County White Christmas Coffee and it is time to write.

We have a bird feeder in our front yard and usually the feeder is filled before sunrise or the night before. Since I was late today the birds were a little confused. The doves that populate the feeding grounds were sitting on our approach to the front door staring in the window. 

This worked as a reminder that once you start something you need to finish it. And if you say you are going to do something, you do it. It's called follow through. Our words of commitment are important to God.

Numbers 30:1-2 Moses said to the heads of the tribes of Israel. "This is what the Lord commands. When a man makes a vow to the Lord or takes an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but must do everything he said."

I tend to have friends who are those type of guys. They are follow through men. As I hunted over the last few days you could see the dedication of the guys for it to be a successful hunt for everyone. Items were shared as needed and an extra hand of help was there if you needed it as well. 

As we head into December and calendars get busier, don't let that busyness keep you from fulfilling your standard commitments. Be a "follow through" person  and although you have added to your already busy schedule, keep your word and finish what you started. 

Have a great day!!


Sunday, December 1, 2024

Christmas Is Just Around The Corner 12/1/2024

 Good Morning,

Last morning to duck hunt and then we are headed for home with a three hour drive ahead of us. A little Door County White Christmas Coffee is going to set the tone for the day.

Proverbs 29:11 A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back. 

I am not at home but I can tell you for sure, that the inside of our home is an unorganized mess as my wife has already started decorating the inside of our house for Christmas. She has a display of stuffed snowmen that will be placed on the stairs to our second floor and the loft area. Rene started this tradition many years ago and she sees it one way and I see it a totally different way. She loves to see the snowmen at night with the lights from the Christmas tree twinkling in their button eyes. A fire in the hearth adds to her feeling of Christmas. She has snowmen everywhere!

My view is that these December invaders wore out their welcome after two days. I think I have watched too many horror films and it seems to me that these Creepy Little Turds are staring at me at night. What is my point in this? What is good for some is not always good for others. My wife tolerates one whole room with dead animal trophies and so I must bite the bullet and tolerate her Frosty Display. 

So as December rolls in like a sled out of control, don't let differences of opinions ruin the Spirit of Christmas. Bend your opinions and maybe keep them to yourself. A relationship that can bend doesn't break.

Have a great day!!! Food for thought.
